
Led by Christ, Forward Together


We are a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered with the Scottish Charities Regulator (OSCR) with the registration number SC050033. The day to day operations of the Charity are managed by the elected Trustees whose Chair is Alan Milnes who also acts as the Safeguarding Lead for the Church.

Our Constitution can be found here and our Procedures here.


We rely on giving from our Members, Adherents and Friends as well as the many organisations who have supported our Building Project. Our accounts are a matter of public record and the latest version can be found here


Leslie Baptist Church is committed to taking seriously its’ responsibilities relative to the personal data of its members and others with which it has been entrusted and to ensuring all elements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) are not only implemented, but that adequate assurances and protocols are in place and regularly reviewed to ensure we are compliant.

Our Data Privacy Notice can be found here and our GDPR Policy here.